Find educational activities for every Jewish holiday and more!
Find educational activities for every Jewish holiday and more! |
Hi, I’m Sari.
My favorite part of being Jewish? Those little, special moments — the opportunities to be imaginative and reflective as we tap into the richness of Judaism, develop our relationships with God, and live proudly Jewish.
From taking a big bite of a juicy apple dripping with honey, to lighting candles for Chanukah, to lending a hand, there is so much to celebrate and savor, but my absolute favorite part is sharing that joy with other people!
I spent years teaching kids of all ages in my classroom. Now, I spend my time inventing creative new ideas — to help educate and inspire kids and teens and to help grown-ups to learn with them. And I’ve been doing some great creative workshops and games for fun-loving adults.
Take a look at my shop, where I have free educational packets for every Jewish holiday, original mystery challenges (which you can play online or in person), and printable games which you can use at home or in the classroom. The games have been played by thousands of students, congregants, families, and individuals over the last few years.
I also write and illustrate interactive books, and I am always adding fun new drawings, activities, and videos on my Instagram, my Facebook, (and now TikTok); to be sure to stay up to date on my latest adventures, join my mailing list! I won’t spam you with emails.
Oh! And, I can even come visit you through a screen or in person and give one of my interactive workshops: on tefillah (prayer), friendship, using your Jewmagination, or a different topic you may have in mind. All you gotta do is reach out.
Thanks for stopping by.
<3 Sari

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virtual escape challenges

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