Meshugas! A printable Jewish card game


A Jewish game of guesswork, spontaneity, and laughter.

Original game with printable cards and clear instructions.

Take turns figuring out what meshugas the other players are up to. Do they think they’re bowls of cholent? Are they treating you as if you’re a rabbi? Are they sneaking Yiddish words in their answers? Get ready for some craziness.

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A Jewish game of guesswork, spontaneity, and laughter.

Original game with printable cards and clear instructions.

Take turns figuring out what meshugas the other players are up to. Do they think they’re bowls of cholent? Are they treating you as if you’re a rabbi? Are they sneaking Yiddish words in their answers? Get ready for some craziness.

A Jewish game of guesswork, spontaneity, and laughter.

Original game with printable cards and clear instructions.

Take turns figuring out what meshugas the other players are up to. Do they think they’re bowls of cholent? Are they treating you as if you’re a rabbi? Are they sneaking Yiddish words in their answers? Get ready for some craziness.

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